
Talousvahvistus put an end to overtime with a robot




Working overtime

"We have hundreds of auditing clients that might have their accounting in ten different systems. Collecting data from different systems in arduous and not necessarily a meaningful type of work. Preparing the financial statements in the traditional way means overtime. It’s hard enough as it is to find employees in this field."



Robo the robot helps during busy periods

"Rajobit automated this process step in the spring of 2020. Now it is Robo who gathers the financial statement data. It is unparalleled in collecting data. It accomplishes a heck of a lot and makes no mistakes. Robo saves us 1500 hours of labour a year. Our work seems so much more meaningful when Robo has done the boring parts that do not require skills. You could not hire anyone to do the work Robo does for the amount the robot costs us."



Employee wellbeing

"A robot frees up time for us to concentrate on our core business: auditing. The client doesn’t need to pay for the gathering of different documents. Our employees are able to finish their work during normal working hours and there is no need for overtime. There have been no staff changes as people enjoy their work. The robot helps us finish work within normal working hours so we can spend time with our hobbies and families."


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